Thursday, 30 July 2015

Some days....

     There are days when I just want to pour my soul to someone. Days when I want to lower down all my guards and want to tell someone all my fears, insecurities and apprehensions buried deep inside. When I want to talk to someone who can just listen and try to understand me. Days when I don't want advice and judgements but to be accepted the way I am....


  1. can totally relate.. and that's precisely why i have started a closed/ private blog just for myself, where i pen down everything. coz i know no one in this world will listen and understand me unconditionally, except for my own soul.

    1. Ya sometimes we really need to pour down our feelings and I guess writing is the best way to do that.

  2. Which is why you should write me a nice long mail about what is bothering you, I promise to listen, I promise not to give you any gyaan, I promise not to judge :)

    1. That's really sweet of you. Next time I will write to you and then you have to bear with me



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